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Professional Learning Community and Team Leadership

            Dion Ginanto
          Organization is complex and dynamic. To deal with its dynamic and complexity, a leader should be creative and innovative in order to maintain the balance of the organizations. Bekhard (in Gallos, 2006) asserted that an organization, which can effectively adapt and cope with the changes in its environment, is therefore called an effective organization. School is one example that is always facing the dynamic and complexity of the organization, including students' attendance, discipline, performance, teachers’ collaboration, etc. The people in the building (teachers, principal, staff, and students) should be able to adjust to the situation and need to be ready to welcome changes. Every school setting has their different problems in which every leader has different approaches to cope with. However, they will always have a common issue/goal: improving students’ performance/success. Therefore, a school principal needs to be ready to stand in the front line to empower everybody as an agent of change to achieve the school goals. This paper discusses one organization in which I teach: Berlian School, Indonesia. This paper answers the questions: 1) what challenges faced by Berlian School in terms of organizational development? 2) what approach/intervention should a leader undertake to make a better performance? and 3) what leadership style could be applied by a principle referring to the previous approach of change?
Berlian School
            Berlian School is the oldest public high school in the district of Batanghari, Jambi Province, Indonesia. This school was promoted to be an international standard school; however, the policy of implementing the idea of international-based standard was terminated due to several evaluations by congress, education watch, and researchers. This school has 743 students, 45 teachers, and 10 staff. The school was established in 1978. 

            Berlian High School is led by a principal, and seven assistant principals (ap) with their different roles and job descriptions: 1) ap for students affair; 2) ap for curriculum; 3) ap for instruction and teaching materials; 4) ap for external relations; 5) ap for infrastructures and facilities; 6) ap for information and technology, and 7) ap for quality improvement. It is interesting because usually high school in Indonesia only has four assistant principals. I had ever asked my principal why we had more assistant principals than other schools did. My principal gave me two answers: 1) to help him develop our school; 2) to help teachers get more hours in teaching. The second answer sounds interesting to me, because in Indonesia every teacher (except ap) needs to teach 24 hours a week. Because we have more teachers than the other schools do, then our school adds more assistant principals (assistant principals may teach 12 hours a week, with their additional ap jobs).
            Our school vision is “Menjadi sekolah bertaraf internasional yang berkarakter budaya bangsa, serta unggul dalam prestasi:” to be an international based school, which maintains local wisdoms, as well as to be a high-achieving school.  Comparing to other schools in our district, Berlian School has more facilities, teachers, and resources. In addition, the total number of students continuing to college is also higher comparing to the neighbor schools. However, this school still needs to improve its performance, especially on the notion of teachers.  
Diagnosis for Berlian School (a case study)
            Almost all high schools in Indonesia, or even in the world has one ultimate goal: students’ success. In order to meet students’ success, most high schoos in Indonesia has similar problems/challenges: teachers’ issues.  I am focusing on teachers, because teachers are the most influential factor of the school success. Sari and Tedjasaputra (2010) wrote that there is an increasing expectation for teachers in many part of the world to ensure that their students meet high standard performances in learning, and be competitive assets in this globalized world. Nevertheless, with this high demand of teachers performances, Indonesian teachers (including my school, based on my experience of my four years teaching) are facing several problems: 1) lack of collaboration (Sari and Tedjasaputra, 20012); 2) ineffectiveness of Professional Development (Thair and Traagust, 2003); and 3) lack of resources (Thair and Traagust, 2003).
1.      Lack of Collaboration
Lack of collaboration seems to be a common problem for every school in the world. Berlian School, based on my experience, is also lacking of collaboration. What parts are lacking in collaboration at Berlian School? There are two parts of collaboration, which are missing: informal and formal collaboration. Informal collaboration is the collaboration that occurs as a result of teachers’ personal initiatives, without having a regularized structure (Sawyer & Kaufman, 2007). An example of informal collaboration is spontaneous conversations in the teachers’ lounge or hallway (Hargreaves, 1994 in Sawyer & Kaufman, 2007). We do have an informal conversation, however, I felt that the topic is far away from teaching and learning. Rather, it was about daily life that has no connection with education.
 Formal collaboration is one that occurs less frequently, has protocols, guidelines and techniques; typically established by the school administration (Sawyer & Kaufman, 2007). Several examples of formal collaboration, as summarized by Sawyer & Kaufman (2007), are teaching teams, exchanging classes, co-teaching, peer coaching, study groups, and small-scale conduction of applied research in supportive teams. Based on my experience and observation, the formal collaboration as mentioned by Sawyer and Kaufman, are not yet implemented well in our school.  
I also feel that in our school, the teachers are divided into two parts: novice teachers and veteran teachers. Based on my observation so far, there is a gap between the two groups. The novice teachers feel they are not welcomed; meanwhile, the old teachers feel not comfortable to collaborate with the young teachers due to the age gap.  The novice teachers are reluctant to ask question to old teachers; meanwhile, the old teachers resist to the new ideas brought by novice teachers. The senior teachers seem to use the old method and theory of teaching and learning; meanwhile the novice teachers always come up with the up-to-date theory and methodology of teaching practices.
2.      Ineffectiveness of Professional Development (PD)
For most teachers in Indonesia, they are lacking of professional development. The PD is centered in a district or provincial level. Thus, there are a lot of teachers who do not have a chance to do PD. Meanwhile, there are certain teachers, who always be sent as a school representative for a PD; and most of them are those who have a close connection with a principal or superintendent.
And yet, the PDs were not effectively applied. Scott and Scott (in Sari and Tedja, 2010) argued that current teachers' professional development in Indonesia mostly emphasizes on a “directive” method and prescriptive information dissemination with little emphasis on teachers' interaction and collaboration.  As a result, the PD was not really effective to support school changes.
I have been teaching for five years, but I was not lucky enough to be sent to a PD in the provincial level. When I asked my principal about it, he told me that the quota is not enough. I need to wait until next year. Nevertheless, after waiting for the following year, I still had no a chance to the PD in the provincial level. And the reason remained the same: there were not enough quotas. Therefore, I am thinking of a professional development in a school level. I believe if the principal can empower his assistant principals, to be teacher-coaches; then we will have a regular PD without being afraid that teachers do not have quota for a self-development.
3.      Lack of Resources 

I could not agree more with the notion of lacking of resources for teachers in Indonesia by Thahir and Traagust (2003). The centralized program who invited one or two trainers will cause a lot of teachers in the waiting list for a long time to the PD. Can we imagine if in one district, the government only do one or two professional development? How can teachers elevate their knowledge? How can they adjust to the changes? The lack of trainers/instructors for PD in Indonesia has become a serious problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible. If our school only counts on PD held by government, I am afraid that teachers in our school will inevitably find themselves teaching in the same way they done all the time.
Another resource that is still lacking in my school is books and/or journals about professional development that can promote collaboration. However, if the principal can make several groups for professional development within the school, then we can buy several books or journals, which can be shared and used together in groups.
Professional Learning Community (PLC) as An Alternative Change
Given all the challenges in most school in Indonesia, including my school; Professional Learning Community (PLC) is considered to be one effective approach to make a change. What is PLC? Dufour, Dofour & Eaker (2012) wrote that PLC is an activity in which educators committed to working collaboratively in ongoing processes of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for students they serve. Professional learning community enables teachers to work in team (not in a group) by focusing its activity for the success of the students. PLC is ideally initiated by a school principal within the building, and is conducted regularly for his/her teachers, focusing on several topics to improve instruction including topics on increasing students’ positive behavior.
There are three components of PLC according to DuFour (2004): 1) ensuring that students learn; 2) focus on results; and 3) a culture of collaboration.  Further, DuFour (2004) asserted that improving school by developing PLC is becoming a trend to lot of schools in the United States of America. In line with this, Dennis Sparks  (in Schmoker, 2006) emphasized that professional learning communities are indeed the best form of staff development so far.
Then, what kind of activities in PLC? The answer is, as long as they promote collaboration, focusing on results, and ensure that students learn; we can call them as PLC. For example: classroom walkthroughs, instructional rounds, staff development using protocols, curriculum designs, mentoring, journaling, lesson study, study/reading groups, dialogue, action research, etc.  The point is, if PD is usually held 3 to four times in a year, and held in a district or provincial level (Indonesian context) attended by a lot of participants; we can do PLC weekly and at the school level.
My two favorite programs that I would apply if I become a principal are classroom walkthrough and staff development using protocols.  I did an internship for several schools here in East Lansing, and I learned that classroom walkthrough is very effective to maintain and increase the quality of teachers in the classroom. By doing classroom walkthrough all teachers will feel that they are not alone in the classroom. They could exchange feedback, and therefore the quality of instruction will remain positive. In addition, in order for the teachers have a formal dialogue in a small scope, I will apply self-development using protocols. Protocols have been proven effective in several kinds of research, to lead a discussion to be more efficient and effective. Protocols are also considered to be a tool to make a sustainable self-development.
Team Leadership
To implement the change, in this case, PLC; a school should deploy an appropriate leadership style, which fits to the situation and the context. MetLife Foundation (n.d) put leadership as one standards for professional learning: “Professional learning that increase educator effectiveness and results for all students requires skillful leaders who develop capacity, advocate, and create a support systems for professional learning”. One leadership style that can be applied to implement PLC is team leadership.
What is team leadership? Team leadership is a leadership style in which the members are interdependent, share common goals, and who must coordinate their activities to accomplish organizational goals (Hill, in Northouse, 2013). By sharing common goals, every single teacher in the building will feel to be empowered. As a result, their self of belonging to the school increases; and eventually we can achieve our goals together. Team leadership is similar to distributed leadership. Distributed leadership involves the sharing of influence by team members who step forward when situations warrant providing the leadership necessary and then stepping back to allow others to lead (Hill, in Northouse, 2013). 

Team leadership is congruent with the idea of PLC in which every body is a learner. Teachers are learners, staff is learners, students are learners, and the principal itself is a learner. Therefore, implementing a change of the professional learning community by using team leadership will be effective. Not only because PLC and team leadership have something in common, but also, this leadership style fits with our culture and tradition “Gotong Royong”. Gotong Royong is rooted in rural Javanese culture. It refers to the principle of mutual help among neighbors in a community (Asian Disaster Reduction Center and International Recovery Platform, 2011). Because teachers are already used to the idea of gotong royong; the idea of PLC, and team leadership, therefore, can be implemented effectively.
How does it Work?
There are several strategies I will apply to make PLC works in Berlian School. My First strategy is planning.  Almost every successful activity is started with an effective planning. Therefore, I will also think about planning in order to run PLC smoothly. Collecting the data is part of the planning strategy. I would disseminate questionnaire about collaboration and PLC to students and teachers. Then, I will also do the survey as well as observation to obtain the factual data before I make decision of change. By having data-driven decision-making, I will avoid making a decision based on assumption. 

The second step of implementing change is socialization. I will introduce the idea of PLC to teachers, staff, and students. There have been a lot of changes, which did not bring success, or even make it worse; one reason is that the leader failed to communicate the important idea of change. I will have both informal and formal conversations to the people in the building about the idea of PLC. In addition, effective communication is also part of team leadership.
The third step is empowering everyone to take part. The idea of team leadership is that everybody can lead. Therefore, it is important to build trust among colleagues in the building. The first approach is by giving a positive role model, and by making everybody in the school feel comfortable of my leadership. Thus, ever body will feel that they are being appreciated, and finally, they will voluntarily take part of the idea of change we brought.
            Having clear and regular schedule of PLC is my fourth step. The difficult part of making successful change is sustainability. And to make a sustainable program, we will usually have a time constraint. Because every teacher will have lack of time to do PLC. Therefore, I will implement the policy by taking one hour every Saturday (every month) for professional learning activity. The students will go home one hour earlier every Saturday (every month). The schedule will be put on the hallway announcement, as well as the teachers’ office, so that the teachers are aware of the PLC.
            The last step is evaluating. Evaluation is so important to measure our strengths and weaknesses of the program. I will have a formal (survey and questionnaire) and informal (informal conversation with teachers) evaluation.  The evaluation will drive me whether or not I will continue PLC for the next level.
To sum up, all organization, including a high school needs to always make a change. This is because change is an inevitable part of a good organization. One program that I will implement to make a change in my school would be PLC. I believe by implementing PLC in my school, I will be able to increase collaboration among teachers. By having good collaboration in the building, it will bring a positive environment in the school (positive school climate). The ultimate goal of implementing chance (PLC) in my school is the students’ success. In order to make a smooth change in my organization, I will deploy several steps in my team leadership: planning, socializing, empowering, having clear schedule, and evaluating.

Written in 2014

Asian Disaster Reduction Center and International Recovery Platform. (2011). “Gotong Royong” in the recovery processes: The case of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Availabele:

DoFour, R. (2004) What is a professional learning community. ASCD Journal. 61(8) p. 6-11.

Dufour, Dofour & Eaker (2012) A big picture look at professional learning community. Solution Tree.

Gallos , J.V. (2006). Organizational development: A Jossey-Bass reader. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Northouse, P.G. (2013) Leadership: Theory and practice (6th Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Sawyer and Kaufman (2007). Teacher collaboration in the context of the responsice classroom approach. Teacher and Teaching: theory and practice, 13(3) 211-245.

Sari, E. and Tedjasaputra, A. (2010). Collaborative learning among Australasian educators through online learning community (OLC). In C.H. Steel, M.J. Keppell, P. Gerbic & S. Housego (Eds.), Curriculum, technology & transformation for an unknown future. Proceedings ascilite Sydney 2010 (p. 869-871).

Schmoker, M. (2004). Start here for improving teaching and learning. School Administrator. 61(10). p. 48.

Thair, M and Treagust, D.F. (2003). A brief history of a science teacher professional development initiative in Indonesia and the implications for centralized teacher development. International Journal of Education Development. 23(2) p.201-213


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