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The Legend of Jambi (Narrative Text)


Once upon a time, there lived in Sumatra Island a very beautiful girl, Putri Pinang Masak. The girl was also a very kind-hearted person. This made everyone liked her so much. Many youth and princes from other countries desire her to be his wife. Nevertheless, she refused their proposals because she had not wanted to get married yet.

One day, there was a very wealthy king, the king of the east kingdom, coming to her village. He proposed to marry her. Putri Pinang Masak was afraid to refuse the king’s proposal although she actually did not love the king, the ugly-faced man, at all. She knew that the king would be very angry and there would be a battle if she refuse his desire.

Putri Pinang Masak was so confused before she got an idea to refuse the king’s proposal.
Then she said to the king that she accepted his proposal on one condition. The king should be able to build a very large and beautiful castle completed with all of the home appliances in one night.The work must be finished before the roosters crowded. And if he failed to fulfill the condition, the king had to hand-over his kingdom and all of the wealth to her.

For the sake of Putri Minang Masak, his sweetheart girl, the king agreed with the condition. Soon he invited thousand of skillful people from all over the country even from other country to do the work. And they began to do the colossal work, building the castle, soon after the sun had set. The king himself controlled the people.

Exactly in the midnight, half of the castle was completely done. Nevertheless, it looked very beautiful. And when it was nearly dawn, all the work was amost completely done. Putri Pinang Masak who had been spying on them all night became desperate. She realized that the condition she proposed to the king was only her way to refuse marrying him. And when the castle was only decorating and tidying the wall and the garden, Putri Pinang Masak went to the rooster house. She lighted many lights to make roosters crow.

Hearing the crowing of the roosters, the king stopped the workers doing their work. He remembered the agreement that the whole work should be finished before the roosters crowed. Then Putri Pinang Masak came to meet the king. And the king admitted that he had failed to fulfill the condition, building a castle in one night. Then he gave up on his desire to marry Putri Pinagn Masak. Even he handed over his kingdom and all of his wealth to her.

Since then, Putri Pinang Masak became the princess of the east kingdom, And people changed thr name of the kingdom into Putri Pinang Masak Kingdom. Meanwhile the kings from Java Island called it with “Jambi Kingdom”. The word “Jambi” cane from “Jambe” that had equivalent as the “Pinang” , a kind of small palm fruit.

The analize of the text structures:

a. Orientation : paragraph 1
b. Complication : paragraph 2, paragraph 3, paragraph 4 and paragraph 5
c. Resolution : paragraph 6
d. Coda / moral value : the last paragraph (or paragraph 7)

Narrative text

Communicative purpose : to entertain or amuse and teach the readers, moral values.

The generis structures of narrative are :
a. Orientation
Tell about who are the characters involved in the story, where and when the events happen.
b. Complication / crisis
A series of problem that the arise and are experienced by the characters.
c. Resolution
Tell about hoe the characters solve the problems.
d. Coda / moral value
Tell about the changes of the characters’ deed / feeling and the moral value that can be taken.

Kata –kata sukar ( New Vocabulary) :
1. Youth : ( masa/kaum) muda
2. Princes : pangeran
3. Desire : hasrat / kinginan
4. Marry : mengawini
5. Wealthy : orang-orang kaya
6. Ugly : jelek , buruk.
7. Battle : peperangan / perjuangan
8. Castle : benteng, kastil / istana
9. Appliances : alat-alat
10. Roosters : ayam jantan / jago
11. Crowded : kokok ayam jantan
12. Failed : gagal
13. Fulfill : memenuhi
14. Sweetheart : kekasih
15. Skillful : mahir / cekatan
16. Colossal : besar sekali, luar biasa besarnya
17. Nevertheless : namun / meskipun
18. Spying : memata-matai
19. Desperate : yang sangat menyedihkan / nekat
20. Realized : menyadari
21. Tidying : di rapikan
22. Lighted : menyalakan
23. Whole : keseluruhan
24. Admitted : yang diakui
25. Handed : menyampaikan
26. Princess : puteri
27. Meanwhile : semntara itu
28. Equivalent : sama dengan
29. Island : pulau / kelompok
30. Palm : pohon palem


Postingan ini diambil dari:  Fastabiqul Qoirat Blog


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