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Contoh Study Objective untuk Beasiswa (Scholarship) S2 ke Luar Negeri


Dion Eprijum Ginanto


I would like to pursue Education Leadership since education in my area faces two inherent problems; firstly the lack of education opportunities available to minority groups and secondly the lack of motivation of our English Language Teachers. I wish to see a vast improvement to the quality of education and I am committed to help lead the way.

To help me achieve these goals I need to improve my professional capabilities. Pursuing further education with a special focus in Education Leadership will be the first and most important step. I believe that after completing these studies I will obtain more in-depth knowledge and skill which will enable me to implement improvement programs in real life.

Dealing with the two problems as mentioned above will be a challenge that I am excited to undertake. My first priority will be to improve the standard of education and future opportunities for a local minority ethnic group known as Suku Kubu. The Suku Kubu is the indigenous people that live subsistent lives in the forests of Jambi. They live nomadically in the forests however; the living areas of the Suku Kubu are now getting smaller as a result of oil palm/rubber tree plantation and transmigration program. That’s why they need to be empowered with skills needed to survive in the community outside their circle. This phenomenon apparently motivates me to conduct a research on the possibilities to design a special education for the minority ethnic for my graduate program. The special education will be a combination of modern approaches as well as to train them leadership and soft skills program. I hope to gain a valuable knowledge from Education Leadership in order to deal with this matter.

My second priority is to elevate the levels of motivation and commitment of our English Teachers. Through BETA (Batanghari English Teacher Association) I will take a leading role in motivational training for our teachers to impress upon them the importance of education for our youth. I will encourage seminars, workshops, outreach services and minimum standards of proficiency.

In conclusion, completing the graduate program in Education Leadership will be an invaluable asset which will allow me to pursue my dreams and goals to provide a better education system for my province.


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