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Project Assignment (2)

Project Options for English Minat 2  (Due date: September 14, 2020)

There are some options that you may choose one from our project assignments. You may choose whether you want to do it individually or in a team (in a group). If you decide you want to do it in a group, your group members may not exceed 6 (six) members. 

Here are the project products that you may choose one:

1.    Creating a “Tik Tok” video about the summary of legend/folklore from Jambi in a creative way, for example: Legend of Putri Pinang Masak, etc. (Tik Tok)
2.    Creating a YouTube content about one legend/folklore from Jambi. Here you make a video presentation: 1. What is the story about, 2. The characters and the characteristics; 3. What you learned from the story. (Youtube)
3.    Write a new legend from Jambi in “English”. This must be a story that has not been available on internet yet. It means you translate a story that is relatively new. Remember I will not accept “a copy and paste” story. (Create an English Version of Legend from Jambi: The new Legend)  
4.    Creating a poster or an infographic about a legend/folklore from Jambi. Here you make an analysis of: 1. What is the story about, 2. The characters and the characteristics; 3. What you learned from the story. (Poster/Infographic)
5.    Creating a blog post on “one legend/folklore from Jambi. Here you make an analysis of: 1. What is the story about, 2. The characters and the characteristics; 3. What you learned from the story. (Blog post)
6.    Create a cartoon/comic story based on the available legend/folklore from Jambi. (Cartoon/comic)

7. Create a summary of Past Perfect Tense on a You Tube Posting.

When you do your projects, you will need to consider the following aspects:

1.    Grammar
2.    Vocabularies
3.    Creativity
4.    Content Quality
5.    Originality 

How to submit your assignments:

1.    Tik tok: send the video to me through google classroom.
2.    Video pembelajaran: copy and paste your YouTube link to google classroom.
3.    English Legend: send it to google classroom
4.    Poster: send it to me offline, or sent it through google classroom
5.    Postingan blog internet: copy and paste your blog post and put it on google classroom
6.    Cartoon: Send it to google classroom. 

7.  Copy and paste yout YouTube link to google classroom. 


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