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Showing posts from August, 2020

Project Assignment (2)

Project Options for English Minat 2  ( Due date: September 14, 2020 ) There are some options that you may choose one from our project assignments. You may choose whether you want to do it individually or in a team (in a group). If you decide you want to do it in a group, your group members may not exceed 6 (six) members.  Here are the project products that you may choose one : 1.    Creating a “Tik Tok” video about the summary of legend/folklore from Jambi in a creative way, for example: Legend of Putri Pinang Masak, etc. (Tik Tok) 2.    Creating a YouTube content about one legend/folklore from Jambi. Here you make a video presentation: 1. What is the story about, 2. The characters and the characteristics; 3. What you learned from the story. (Youtube) 3.    Write a new legend from Jambi in “English”. This must be a story that has not been available on internet yet. It means you translate a story that is relatively new. Remember I wi...

Strategi Hadirkan Pembelajaran Inovatif dan Menyenangkan di Rumah

Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) selama masa pandemi kerap memberikan tantangan, baik bagi anak, orangtua, guru, maupun banyak pihak yang terlibat dalam proses pendidikan.  Sebuah survei yang dilakukan UNICEF pada Mei dan Juni 2020 mendapati, sebanyak 66 persen dari 60 juta siswa dari berbagai jenjang pendidikan di 34 provinsi di Indonesia mengaku tidak nyaman belajar di rumah selama pandemi Covid-19.  Survei yang dilakukan melalui kanal U-Report yang terdiri dari SMS, WhatsApp, dan Messenger kepada lebih dari 4.000 siswa itu juga mendapati, 87 persen siswa ingin segera kembali belajar di sekolah. Praktisi Psikologi Anak dan Pendidikan Elizabeth T Santosa menyatakan proses belajar dari rumah (BDR) memang berpotensi membuat anak kurang termotivasi.  Ada sejumlah alasan mengapa anak kurang senang belajar di rumah. Salah satu pemicunya ialah hilangnya kemerdekaan sosial anak selama BDR.  "Mereka tidak bisa mengobrol dengan teman, lebih banyak melihat monitor. Interaksi den...

Guru Honorer Bakal Terima BLT Rp600 ribu per Bulan

                                                                   Foto: Harian Indonesia DEG- Pemerintah terus berupaya memberikan perkuatan kepada semua elemen yang terpapar pandemi Covid -19. Kali ini pemerintah mempertimbangkan guru honor menerima Bantuan Tunai Langsung (BLT). Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati mengaku mempertimbangkan guru honorer untuk menerima Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) berupa subsidi gaji/upah senilai Rp600 ribu per bulan. Bantuan serupa tengah disalurkan kepada pekerja bergaji di bawah Rp5 juta.  Sri Mulyani menuturkan pendataan para guru honorer tersebut tengah dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) ber...

Putri Tangguk (Folklore from Jambi)

 Image: There was a village in Jambi. The people were farmers. One of them was Putri Tangguk. She lived with her husband and her children. Putri Tangguk and her husband had a very small rice field. Amazingly, the rice field was able to harvest a lot of rice. Their harvest was always abundant. They put their harvest in their big barn. They were very happy with their life. Putri Tangguk always helped her husband in the rice field. One day, she said that she wanted to quit helping her husband. She wanted to take care of the children and mingle with the neighbours. In the morning, Putri Tangguk wanted to cook some rice. However she could not find any rice in the kitchen. She was surprised and she felt that she just took some rice from the barn and put it in the kitchen. Then, she went to the barn. Surprisingly, there was no rice in the barn. She immediately told her husband about the missing rice. "Look! The rice is gone. Our rice is stolen!" said Putri Tan...

The Legend of Jambi Kingdom (Narrative Text)

   Image: Once upon a time, there were five villages, Tujuh Koto, Sembilan Koto, Petajin, Muaro Sebo, and Batin Duo Belas. The villagers of those five villages lived peacefully. They helped each other. Soon, the number of villagers grew highly. The villagers thought that they needed a leader to guide them. They wanted to have a king. So, the leaders from the five villages had a meeting. They wanted to set the criteria who could be their king. "Our king should be physically strong," said the leader from Tujuh Koto. "I agree. The king should be able to protect us from the enemies, "said one leader. "Not only that. He should also be well respected by us. So, the king should be strong and have good manners," said the leader from Petajin. "Then, let’s set the criteria. I have a suggestion. The king should be strong from fire. He cannot feel the pain if we burn him," said leade...

Belajar (Lagi) dari Rumah, Ini 3 Tips Orangtua Mendampingi Anak

Oleh: Dion Ginanto Akhir-akhir ini saya sering menjadi moderator dan pemateri acara webinar. Beberapa materi yang saya antar dan sampaikan selalu bermuara pada peran orangtua di saat adapatasi pandemi. Suatu topik yang selama ini jarang diperbincangkan.  Berbagai penelitian tentang peran orangtua di Indonesia mengungkapkan peran orangtua masih tergolong rendah.  Majzub dan Salim (2011) misalnya, melakukan penelitian pada enam sekolah TK/PAUD di Tangerang yang melibatkan 294 orangtua. Hasilnya, peran orang tua untuk pola asuh komunikasi, pendampingan belajar atau keputusan masih rendah.  Bukan hanya itu, penelitian lain dari Karsidi et al., 2013; Fitriah et al., 2013; Majzub & Salim, 2011 terungkap bahwa orangtua memahami perannya di sekolah adalah sebatas mengikuti rapat komite sekolah dan keikutsertaan membayar iuran dan sumbangan ke sekolah.  Artinya, ketika orang tua sudah membayar iuran dan sudah mengikuti rapat, maka selesai sudah peran mereka da...

The Legend of Putri Cermin Cina: Jambi Folklore (Narrative Text)

Image: Long time ago, there was a kingdom in Jambi that was ruled by a king named Sultan Mambang Matahari. Sultan Mambang Matahari had a son named Tuan Muda Selat and a daughter named Putri Cermin Cina. The son of the king was handsome but he was such a reckless boy while the daughter is beautiful. She had a white skin like a Chinese girl and because of the skin she had then she was call “Putri Cermin Cina”. One day, a well-known merchant visited the kingdom. That merchant name was Tuan Muda Senaning. He and his crews visited the kingdom because they had some trade business. The arrival of Tuan muda Senaning was welcome kindly by the king. The king then welcomed Tuan Muda Senaning with a banquette. Together with his son and his daughter, the king asked Tuan muda Senaning to enjoy the serve. When had their serve, Tuan Muda Senaning looked Putri Cermin Cina and at his first sight, he then felt in love with Putri Muda Cina. Then, he directly expressed what he felt ...

Contoh Study Objective untuk Beasiswa (Scholarship) S2 ke Luar Negeri

  STUDY OBJECTIVE Dion Eprijum Ginanto   I would like to pursue Education Leadership since education in my area faces two inherent problems; firstly the lack of education opportunities available to minority groups and secondly the lack of motivation of our English Language Teachers. I wish to see a vast improvement to the quality of education and I am committed to help lead the way. To help me achieve these goals I need to improve my professional capabilities. Pursuing further education with a special focus in Education Leadership will be the first and most important step. I believe that after completing these studies I will obtain more in-depth knowledge and skill which will enable me to implement improvement programs in real life. Dealing with the two problems as mentioned above will be a challenge that I am excited to undertake. My first priority will be to improve the standard of education and future opportunities for a local minority ethnic group known as Suku ...